Editor in Chief:
Melanie Lacan
Associate Editors:
Kathryn Joseph
William Ramundt
Brent Whitford
Editors Emeriti:
Darren Poltorak
Britta Spaulding
Mélanie Lacan is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology at the University at Buffalo. She holds an M.A. in Anthropology from the University at Buffalo (2017), an M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago (2013), and a B.A. in Anthropology from Indiana University Northwest. Mélanie studies the European Iron Age and her thesis explores the ritual deposition of artifacts in southern French caves.
William Ramundt is a Ph.D. student in Classics at the University at Buffalo. He earned a B.A. in Anthropology and History from the University of Oklahoma and an M.A. in Classics from the University of Arizona. He has worked for many years at the Coriglia Excavation Project, and is the Assistant Director on the Villa del Vergigno Archaeological Project. His research interests include Roman social and trade networks, marginal sites in the Roman world, Roman and Etruscan ceramics, and Roman villas.
He obtained his Master's degree at Trent University, Canada by completing a thesis titled: "Agriculture as Niche Construction: Eco-Cultural Niche Evolution During the Neolithic of the Struma River Valley." He has been working and excavating in Bulgaria since 2012, on Neolithic and Copper Age sites, and is a field school instructor for the Balkan Heritage Foundation. Brent's research interests include the European Neolithic and Chalcolithic; Human-Environment Interaction; Eco-Cultural Niche Modeling; and Geomatics Applications in archaeology (GIS and Remote Sensing).
Editor Emeritus:
Laura K. Harrison, Ph.D. is a founding editor of Chronika, and served as Editor in Chief from 2009-2012. She completed her B.A. at Ithaca College in 2007, her M.A. at SUNY Buffalo in 2012, and her Ph.D. at SUNY Buffalo in 2016. She has done archaeological fieldwork at Dispilio and Gournia in Greece, as well as Çatalhöyük and Seyitömer Höyük, in Turkey. In 2014 and 2015, Laura served as Director of an international Field School program at Seyitömer Höyük. Her Ph.D. research focuses on urbanism as a social process in Anatolia and the Aegean during the Early Bronze Age.